Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm Alive!!!!

Yes, it's official, I'm back.  I tried to explain to Mom tonight that I don't really have time...or Internet to ever update the blog.  Between teaching, grading level tests, doing GED tests, making IEP's, meetings, yearbook, and all the stuff going on in the village, I HAVE NO TIME!!! I've had so much fun since I've gotten back from Christmas Break though.  We've had a Junior High Basketball tournament, Girls' High School Basketball tournament, and Boys' High School Basketball tournament.  I've been to them all and taken about 1000 pictures at each weekend (no exaggeration).  Mom and Dad and I got a new camera for me for Christmas, so it's the new fun thing to do around here.  I've let the kids in yearbook club try my camera out for a few minutes if they stay seated and right next to me.  They love it.  I have so many great shots of the kids and community.

I decided to adopt a really cute puppy a few weeks ago.  I named her Arora (Rory).  She was outside the school and all my students told me I should take her I did! :)  Laura was so excited...or not.  A couple weeks later we sent her to an animal shelter in Anchorage.  She has a good home now. :)
A couple weekends ago, Robin (a Native who is an aide in Laura's kindergarten room...and a very fun person) took me on a snow machine ride to Alakanuk.  It was so much fun!  It was my first ride (officially on the snow machine...I was on a sled before).  We went and Robin played ball in a City League pickup night.  It was fun to watch them all play.  (Before you ask, no I didn't play.  They all know better than to let me play ball.  The kids laugh at me constantly for the way I shoot and dribble the ball.  I'm getting better though!  I can make baskets if I'm a few feet away now!  Before I couldn't make any baskets!)
On the Yukon River, going to Alakanuk with Robin.

This weekend we have Potlach.  It's a celebration of everything that the Natives have.  The kids are saying that they are celebrating the spirits (animals and things).  They will have tons of food, tons of Eskimo Dancing, kids will have their first dances, and lots of people come from the surrounding villages.  It's supposed to be a sight to see.  It's the thing I've been waiting most for since I've been here.  Flat Stanley is going to come with us! :)

I'm having my students Skype and Pen Pal with Aunt Connie's 5th grade class.  They are loving it!  We're working on their writing and learning about other cultures at the same time.  I'm going to have my kids do media projects soon where they are taking a part of their Yup'ik Culture, and taking pictures and videos and then they will explain it to Connie's class.  They and I are excited about it.  I think it will make a lot of things make a lot more sense to everyone.  I'm having them do Food, History, Language, Jobs, After School Activities, Mythology, Travel, Families, and Hunting/Fishing.  It's very exciting to think of how good they're going to do on this project.

The person who's in charge of the GED courses asked me to be the test proctor.  So I have yet another job! :)  I will start either this weekend or next week giving the tests.  I'm excited to meet more community members and see people excited about still learning.

I am doing yearbook on a regular basis after school.  The kids seem excited to be able to pick all the pictures that are going into the book.  I have some very enthusiastic kids helping out with it.  It's even more exciting that they get to take the pictures.  We have quite a few digital cameras the school owns, so I let the kids take them on the trips they take for the different clubs.

We've had a lot of snow the past few weeks.  We've been weathered in, weathered out, and just plain weathered.  It's very amusing what they WILL actually fly in, though:).
Snow drifts by the airport.
I had my first taste of Aduguk (Eskimo Ice Cream).  It was actually all right.  I took a small bite with a lot of berries...then Laura made me take a big bite...that wasn't as satisfying.  It tasted more like the fish in that bite.
First bite!
The prices at the store are awesome.  One of the teachers said he was just going to buy the cheap honey this day (and it really was by a few bucks).


  1. Thank you for the post! It is great to get an update. I is fantastic to see you so involved!


  2. Great update! Glad you are having fun and staying busy. Looks like the Alaskan weather is back where it should be and out of Michigan. Stay warm! Love, Jess

  3. Hurray! Updates! I will talk to all your followers and let them know that you ARE BACK!!! New baby boy news from Tawas. I hear your class may also be connecting with Tawas kids. What a great experience for all! Love,Mom

  4. Hi, Jackie. Thanks for the great update. It's nice to have you back. The blue sky in the one photo is gorgeous against the snow. What an exceptional experience. We taught about potlatches at Middle school. Here you are experiencing one! Awesome. Take care. Stay warm. Aunt marge
