Saturday, November 16, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

I've been yelled at again because I haven't been updating my blog. Well :p I've been a bit busy. Let's see...Halloween was fun. I had Stella (my aide) her husband, Katie (new teacher), and Sharon (our counselor) over for dinner. Then we handed out candy together. There were some good costumes. I went and trick or treated at teacher housing but everyone was asleep (lame) and then went to Stella's house with Katie.

The next day we had a wrestling tournament that I had to be at selling food from the student store because I'm student council adviser. I was running to see the kids and fell and hurt my knee. I've been having to mend it back to good health ever since. It seems to finally be healed on the cut. Now the inside is still trying to heal. I can't kneel on it or bend it too much. 

That Saturday we had a surprise baby shower for Laura. She has left now and is getting ready to have her baby in Oregon with her family. It is goin to be a boy. She was surprised and very grateful for all that we did for her. It was gorgeous. 

Then I kept having to go to doctors appointments for my knee. The first one was a nurse who said I was fine. Two days later I was in so much pain I went back and the pa said that it was infected and I sprained it and I had a bunch of fluid behind my kneecap. She SCRUBBED my knee. I almost kicked her. But it's been a lot better ever since.
Last weekend we had volleyball tournaments. Again I have to be there to sell things. I had a little open gym for a bit and then I was resting at home the rest of the weekend. It was so nice!!!
The huskies playing volleyball

This week has been a bit stressful with the students. It's a full moon and they are having hard times getting through their days. I'm trying all that I can to help them. Our counselor is gone, too. She's in anchorage. So it always makes it harder. We've had a few flood scares but we haven't had any damage. A lot of surrounding villages have been hit hard. It's strange that we'd flood this time of year. Usually some of the villages do, but it would be about a month ago. We never have to worry about it. This winter has been really weird. We haven't had much snow at all! The Eskimos are starting to get restless! :)

Today I'm having a tournament for open gym. It's going to be from noon until probably pray for me. The kids are really excited. Then, I get to sleep tomorrow! :)

I had a really fun time on Monday night. I went to Stella's for dinner and then to church with her (there was a priest in town). Then we went to her parents' house for dessert. They all crack me up! It's like being back in Michigan with my family. They all pick on each other but get along really well. There are tons of kids. Makes me miss you all. 

On Thursday night I decided to go to pool hall and hang out to check on the kids. Turns out I had tons of fun. I ate dinner, played 4 or 5 games of pool (which I actually held my own in! Of course I didn't win, but I wasn't slaughtered! -think about it. What else do these kids have to do in this village but play pool? They rock at it). Then I played a few card games with the kids. Which I won a few of. It was fun. The kids seemed to have fun because I was out and having fun too. They all fight over who gets to play against me...:) 

Today will be stressful but it's with it when I get to see the kids have fun. They're going to enjoy it and they're so excited. I'll post pictures.
1st grader making free throws

We had two people shooting free throws at the same time.  These two are brothers:) They make me giggle.

The older brother

One of my new nieces

One of the teachers joined one of the teams.  It was hilarious to see him face off against my nephew...:)

One of our 7th graders blocking an inbound throw

Keeping score and order of the kids

I got to throw the jump ball.  It was the rules:)

Some of the players from the 3rd place team

My niece and my student

Watching the game with all my students:)

The first place team trophy :) I found it in a cupboard

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you're back on! We're very happy that your knee is healing. It looked pretty bad! Sounds like you are having fun with the kids and the villagers. Miss you,too.
