Saturday, November 23, 2013

Things That Are Different In the Bush

So as I was sitting in school the other day, I noticed how different things are in the bush than in Michigan.

You don't know exactly when your plane is going to arrive to take your sports team to another village, so the students miss quite a few hours sitting around school waiting for the call to run to the car to go to the airport. 

The students and staff have to travel in snow pants, parkas, hat, gloves, and snow boots, by district policy. This is due to if the plane goes down you don't freeze to death. In michigan, your near enough to a town if your bus breaks down that you can get another bus. 

There are no such things as snow days. When it's always 20 below zero, we can't cancel school Everytime it happens...

However, we do cancel school when we run out of water in the village. Has Jackson ever ran out of water...?

To get your mail, you dress up in parka, hat, boots, and thick gloves. This is due to the fact that you have to walk to the post office. No delivery here!

To go to church, you put on snow pants, a parka, hat, boots, and gloves.  You walk to church with a friend and have many Hondas and Snow machines pass you full of Eskimo families on them.

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