Saturday, September 28, 2013


Mom and Dad sent me a couple of packages over the past few weeks.  I just wanted to take a minute to say, "Thank you."  The greatest part by far was the food that you sent up for the kids.  They were so grateful!  They have been asking for them constantly, so we've had to go over the rules a few times of when they're allowed the food (when they didn't get breakfast, when it's a bit before lunch, and when they're hungry a while after lunch).  They're so thankful.  We'll probably FaceTime with you soon for the thanks.

I REALLY appreciate the socks that you sent.  I've been meaning to get more tall socks for when I'm wearing my boots.  They are perfect!  (Is there anyway you would be going back and able to get some more...:) Remember: You love me...) And the MSU Socks were awesome!  I'm waiting to wear them until they play again. 

I've put up the pictures of the Chomic kids all over the house.  It's exciting to feel like you guys are here.  I wish you could come by and see where I live and how the village works.  It sucks to think about the fact that you can't get the exact feel of the village.  It's amazing here.

I finally got my dance fans yesterday!  Laura's mentor from last year is Katie's mentor this year.  I gave her some money last year to buy some for me, but she never found some.  She finally gave some to Katie last week to give to me so I could have them.  They're awesome!  Mock said she made a pair of men's dance fans, too.  So I'll be able to show those too!  I'm excited for them!

I had gotten the box with the Red Wings Starter Jacket in it the other day.  A bunch of the high school boys were working in my room for study hall.  They looked in it and asked what it was.  I said that you had sent up some coats and if they needed any they could have it.  "A" took it immediately, put it on, and was so excited.  However, the other four want ones now.  If there are more back home, send them please!  I told them there were some in the counselor's office that have been sent up, but I don't know if they've checked.  I was excited "A" got it because whenever we would go to the coast last winter, he would wear a sweatshirt and a thin coat that was ripping a lot.  He's going to be so much warmer!  His dad called me a couple days later to thank me for the coat.  I had completely forgotten about it.  It was nice that they appreciated it and it wasn't going to waste.

Laura and I went to Pool Hall tonight for dinner.  We met some of the graduates there and ate with them.  Then Sister challenged me to a game of pool.  I won, but only because she scratched the 8 ball.  The kids here rock at pool.  But think about it: it's the only thing they can possibly do here in the village consistently.  It's fun to watch them make the shots.  I want to incorporate it into the math lessons.

Laura, Katie, and I had a "dinner and a show" night last night.  Laura made Sweet and Sour Chicken with rice, Katie made a Pumpkin Angle Food Cake with Cream Cheese, and I supplied the wireless access for 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy Season Premier. :)  It was fun.  Katie stayed late, so we didn't want her walking home alone.  So I walked her home and then walked back.  I knew I'd run into kids on the way home.  It was nice to see them out.  I saw 3 of the graduates from last year and some that I hadn't talked to in a while.  So we chatted for a while.

I give makeup HSGQE's next week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  So, once again, I won't have a consistent schedule that I feel like I'm able to get through to my kids.  Urgh.  Oh well, I'm excited to have the kids try to pass it again.  They have to pass the HSGQE (High School Graduate Qualifying Exam) in order to pass high school.  So we start them in 10th grade and then they get 4 more tries in high school and they can keep trying afterwards.  I have 4 taking it next week.


  1. Glad everything worked out with the packages! We survived the weekend with the boys! Really enjoyed it! I am sure the sock issue will be taken care of by your mother. Stay warm! Love you Dad!

  2. I think it's funny when you use each other's profiles to comment on Facebook and on my blog. It's funny. I'm glad everything went well with the boys. How did Jessie and Marty like Lake Michigan?
