Sunday, September 15, 2013

New School, No School, and School Dancing

The other day, we took a tour of the new school being built.  It got us all excited for next year.  It's supposed to be done by the beginning of next year.  They're planning to get the roof and walls done before winter, so that they can work on the inside all winter long with the snow.
This will be where the library is

This is the hallway.  Classrooms on both sides.  I'm standing where the entrance/office will be

Front of the school (opposite the library/where I was standing in the last picture)

Walking down the hallway through the classrooms

Second entrance, right outside the gym.  There will be bathrooms here.

The gym.  Why we left one part of the roof open, I do not know...

The gym.  We will have 6 nets and bleachers on both sides.  So excited!

They fixed up the elementary wing and basically gave us a new elementary school and classrooms.  Now we get a brand new high school and gym.

We have been having plumbing problems in the village.  First, we lost pressure.  Then they fixed it.  Second, we had to boil our water because our water treatment center wasn't working.  Third, one of the two pumps overheated and there was smoke coming out of the water treatment plant.  So we lost pressure again in the village.  So we couldn't use the toilets, or shower, or anything.  Because there was no pump to get rid of the water.  Then they fixed it.  We still need to boil the water to drink it, but it's getting better.  It's been a mess.  It's better than Mountain Village though.  They have had a boil water notice for over a year.  And when you shower it's dirty water with some brown in it.  Sometimes rocks.  It's fun.  :)

So we canceled the second half of school on Thursday when all the water problems happened.  Yay, free day.  Or not.  Meetings, paperwork, and collaboration time was spent.  It was productive.  I have to take a moment to talk about my students.  I am so proud of them this year.  We have moved from a level system to the traditional carnegy system.  It's a big change.  To make a long story short, it's something that the students haven't learned from before.  They haven't had letter grades before.  It was pass or fail.  And if you didn't do it, you could make it up later.  Now, it's percentages and grade point averages, and eligibility.  The kids are worried to be eligible to play sports.  So they're all freaked to get a 2.0 GPA in order to do Junior High NYO, Wrestling, and Volleyball this semester.  After Christmas, they have to have had an overall 2.0 this semester to be eligible for High School NYO, and Basketball.  They're worried, but they can all do it.  They are working so hard.  Students that have been behavior problems in the past are staying in class, raising their hands, and completing their work.  I'm holding study hall after school everyday and a lot of kids stay after to finish homework they didn't finish in school.  A lot of the teachers keep telling me how proud they are of the students for working so hard and answering questions.  Yay kids!!!

We went to SPED teacher training in Mountain a few weeks ago.  Here are some pics.  We had fun as always, but we'd rather be back home teaching the kids, as usual.
A beautiful rainbow with beautiful girls.  Me, Dianna, Amy Jo, and Alondra

Berry Picking (and Alondra snagging my photo)

Me and Amy Jo

Amy Jo and I got slushies... :)

The plane was full...

We had our Back to School Eskimo Dance yesterday.  The community gives the students supplies for the school year and then has dancing.  It was great to see what the students got and then see the new teachers' reactions to the dancing.  I was a little embarrassed because I walked in a little late (not a big deal. People come and go from the dances all the time) while they were passing out the supplies to the students.  As soon as I came in, about 20 students screamed out, "Hi Miss Chomic!"  I was so embarrassed because a.) they brought attention to when I walked in, and b.) they shouted out while the community was passing out gifts.  It was nice to have the greeting and see the kids, I just hope I don't get in trouble for the interruption! :)
He is an awesome dancer.  I love to watch him.  I don't remember his name though...

The kids' dance is by far the most popular. When the drummers start playing it, everyone starts to clap.

One of my students.  He got excited when he saw I was taking pictures.

Our Home/School Coordinator, Tommy

Ellen, one of my student's mom.  She is awesome to watch dance.  She gets so happy.  And it's so natural for her.

My Assistant Principal, Jerry, and his wife (second grade teacher), Brenda

Our Middle School English and Social Studies teacher, Chuck, and his wife, Shirley

It never fails that when I go out, I always end up with a baby.  This was one of the student's nieces.  She is about a month old.  So Beautiful.

I just thought you'd like to see a picture of Amy Jo, the other sped teacher


  1. You are really making a difference with these kids. So very proud of you! What a beautiful little baby. Remember the first time you saw the villagers dance? You were very excited too. Hope the new teachers are as committed as you. Love, Mom

  2. You are awesome keep up the great work truly making a difference. Love the construction photos... Right up my alley!

