Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's Been a While...

(Warning: none of the photos in this blog were taken randomly by an Eskimo...:))
OMG.  I haven’t updated in a while.  I know I’m in trouble.  But I have been busy.  And sick.  And I want to be home. 

I had Thanksgiving at three places.  I don’t know if I posted that.  I went to Stella’s, Mock’s, and the teacher Thanksgiving.  It was good.  I was full.  REALLY Full.

I don’t even remember what else has been going on.  It’s been Christmas Break.  I got off the 20th.  I got sick around the beginning of December.  I had two days of nothing but sleeping, then I had two days of open gym, then I had Christmas Eve and Christmas with my adopted Waska family (Stella’s family).  I went to Christmas Eve Midnight mass, then over to the Waska’s house to open presents.  I just wanted to be around the family and watch them have fun and eat some food.  No, I got two presents too.  I felt like I was so welcomed.  Laurie (Mama Waska) made me a Quspuk and gave me some gloves to keep me warm under my mittens she made me for my half birthday.

I was able to open presents with the Chomic family over FaceTime (that was painful) and then it was back over to the Waska’s for Christmas dinner.  I went home early because I was sick.

The next day started the inevitable Christmas Tournament.  We make a lot of money for the student council, but it’s a lot of work and I was really sick.  Did I mention that?  We would get there at noon, clean up, games would start at 1pm, and then we would close the store at 10pm.  It was a lot.  I did that Dec. 26-Dec 30.  I had another teacher take over for me for the last day because we were traveling to the ROSE BOWL!!!

I made it to California perfectly fine.  I slept on the plane and got into the hotel room around 2am.  We then woke up at around 6am to go to the Rose Parade.  We didn’t make it long at the parade.  We got there, walked around for a little bit, then went back to the shuttle and slept until it took us to the game.

We made it to the game about 45 minutes before it started, so the tailgating tickets we bought didn’t extend very far….we had a few drinks, some food, and went into the game.  In case you didn’t hear, WE WON!!!! GO GREEN!!!!!

We then spent the next day with Mom and Dad in Hollywood.  Then left LA on our way home.  We got to Anchorage, did the shopping we needed to, and got ready to leave the next morning.

When we got to the airport, all the flight people told us we weren’t going to make it back to EMO so we should change our flights.  We changed our flights to Monday.  Needless to say, I have bad luck.  The other people traveling on the same flights made it back to EMO…L We were able to go to the doctor’s and get medicine though. 

Monday morning, we were on our way back to EMO.  We landed in St. Mary’s and they put us on Standby for EMO.  There were two seats.  A native made it to the counter before us, and I gave my spot to our counselor.  I decided she was more important to make it home.  So, we spent the night in St. Mary’s.  We’re now delayed in the airport because the Anchorage flight was late coming in.  I hope we make it home… It was $169 for the night at the “Bed and Breakfast” (it was cereal in the cupboard).  Then, I called for a ride from the airport and the woman said it would be $40, one way.  It’s about a 7 minute drive… Nice hospitality.

We have made it back to the St. Mary’s airport.  I walked in right before a lot of my students were leaving for the boarding school.  I was so glad that I was able to give them their hugs bye bye.  I had a few surprises that were leaving.  One of my students said that he went up to school this morning to go to my class, but it was a waste because I wasn’t there.  I was really glad that I was able to see them before they left.  I am, however, really upset because the kids who should be taking me to State for NYO are the surprises I had leave to go to the boarding school.  That means I probably won’t be going to Anchorage for NYO…L  I yelled at them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It has been awhile! I think people have stopped checking. We will pass things on. Great fun on the left coast! Stay safe!
