Sunday, December 14, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

hello Timmy Tim. This is my update for you.  So I started this thanksgiving and got busy. Now I'm laying awake trying to let my migraine medicine kick in, so I was thinking of everything going on in my life. I am blessed. I am busy. But I am blessed.

I have a lot going on. First, I have a man who loves me very much and works hard to make me happy everyday. Jeremy and I are doing well and having fun everyday.

I still have the kitties, maverick and goose. They wake me up, sleep with me, and watch tv with me. They're my lazy companions.

Then, the first day of school, a puppy was crying because it got caught in the doors in the front of the building. I was worried it broke something. Jeremy stopped by to bring me something later on so I asked him to take the puppy home and make sure it was okay. It slept for two days and then ran around like a bat outta hell. He's fine. He's now ours and is awesome. He's loyal and funny and just a great dog. His name is Sheldon cooper.

I then did something I said I wouldnt. I took over student council again. A married first year couple were doing it and they were just not having fun and stressing a lot. I'm co-sponsoring it with another teacher and it's going great.

Most excitedly, a couple days ago, a teacher told me she was selling her snow machine. I have bought it (with help from mom and dad) for VERY cheap, and have been having a blast. Taking friends for rides, going outside of town, riding with jeremy, going to the store... Oh it's been amazing.

My two best friends up here, Laura and katie, have been wonderful also. We have weekly dinners to watch greys anatomy. We always help each other out, and we're having fun with Laura's son, Chris.

I must thank God for all my blessings. I'll be in michigan December 20, at 4pm. I leave December 30, at 5pm. I will see everyone at Christmas mass, parties, stop bys, and whatever's. Love you all! Bye Timmy!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Heading Home to My Eskimo

Don't hate internet JUST got turned on... 

So, the plan was that I was going to leave on Alicia's birthday, July 25th at 6:20pm. As we all know, my flying never goes that easily. My flight out of Flint, MI was an hour late. Making me miss my connection at O'Hare making me miss my connection in Seattle making me not be able to get to Anchorage. 

The oh-so-friendly and helpful American Airlines attendant was wonderful (not). She was rude, not speaking to me, and just unhappy. She wanted me to drive to Detroit to catch a plane there. No. I fly out of Flint because I don't like Detroit. In the end, she booked me on a 6:10am flight the next morning (thank you Alicia for getting up early and taking me). I now fly Flint to O'Hare to Anchorage. 

After finally listening to my voicemail at 12:30am I learned I had to call Alaska Airlines for my connection in O'Hare and tell them all about my cat cages or they couldn't fly. I was on the phone with them until 1:30am fighting to get money back about the service I've received on this flight. In the end, I cried and got a $100 voucher for later. Okay. But I'm still talking to American Airlines about all their crap they pulled. Because I now have to uncheck and recheck the cats at O'Hare and pay another $200 for them to fly on Alaska. 

Now, 3 hours of sleep later, I'm at the Flint airport talking to the gateman and they can't check my bags or cats. Somehow my flight from Seattle to anchorage is still on my ticket. Huh? The girl from yesterday is an idiot. And she booked me under two different confirmation numbers. So I waited at the counter for an hour for them to get that straightened out. In the mean time I informed the guy that I was not paying for bags or cats due to American Airlinea lovely service (sarcasm on the service). He said he didn't like his job, he agreed with me, and I didn't have to pay. Well. Thank you. I was even over by 3ish lbs on a bag and he goes, "I don't care." I asked if I could unload my carry on a little to unload the weight and he said that I could. Jake, with American Airlines in Flint, I like you. Thank you. You made me not hate American Airlines. 

Now I'm sitting on the 30 person flight on my way to O'Hare Airport. I'm watching Hinger Games. I'll be there in about 45 minutes. I'm doing okay so far. 

I'll get to Anchorage around 1:30pm and Laura will pick me up and we'll shop. Then I'll be staying at her aunt and uncle's house. I leave for Emmonak at 9am tomorrow. And I'll see Jeremy at 11am Alaska time!!! (3pm your time) 1 day, 8 hours, 33 minutes until I see my Eskimo!!! :D

Whew! That was fun with the cats. I got to walk across the terminal to go to baggage claim, pick up the cats, find Alaska Airlines, and wait in line to check them for about another 45 minutes. I did meet some lovely people in line. We Alaskans just talk to each other all the time. There was a couple with four totes and two coolers all duct taped shut. I asked them if they were moving to Alaska or going back. They said that they were going back. I said that they looked too experienced with their totes and coolers. And then we say there for about ten minutes picking on the newbies who try to bring little suitcases or boxes that will never make it. It turned out he was a principal in Barrow, AK. He wanted my number to see if I'd ever move out there. He said they're treated really nice. Wow. Thanks. 

I then got to go through security again. And then I was able to get a tea and some food. When I got on the plane, I fell asleep right away for two hours. Now I can't sleep anymore. I've been watching Catching Fire and writing notes and went to the bathroom about fifteen times. I just like to walk around. And I needed more kleenexes. I of course am having an allergy attack and the guy next to me is looking at me weird. 

Haha. I talked with the guy next to me and he's going to King Salmon to go fishing. He said he has to take a Bush Plane to get there. I asked if it was a small one or how many seats. "Oh about 20 seats." Hahaha. That's huge. That's what I fly from Anchorage in! I said that it wasn't a Bush Plane. I ride in planes with 4-6 people. That's a Bush Plane. He agreed. :)

Whew. I landed in Anchorage, got my bags and cats, Laura picked me up at the airport, and we went to her aunt and uncle's house. We then went shopping, repacked my luggage (Grant Airlines only allows 50 lbs of baggage before charging $3 per lb over. Nope. I have it down to about 53 lbs I believe and the rest I shipped at the post office. Let's say, what I shipped was well over 50 lbs...

Now I'm laying in bed with it being way sunny out. I have two snakes around me and two dogs in my bed. I can't wait until tomorrow!

I'm at home!!! Jeremy and I are together again. Tomorrow is Jeremy's birthday and it's going to be wonderful. We're moving to a new house. Next to Laura. It's a three bedroom, has shelves, a full kitchen, closets, and room for human beings to live (and kitties). I'm excited. Everything is falling into place and is great. Now, if my internet could only get turned on... I've been trying since Friday. Love you all!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Leaving Emo going to anchorage

So we woke up to a call from grant airlines saying that our flight was moved up by two hours. Yay! But that meant I couldn't wash my sheets before we left. Jeremy's freaking out more. His face is priceless. The cats are drugged. Goose tried hissing and not being nice when we caught them to put into their cages. Then I told Jeremy to stick the pill in gooses mouth. Pansy:). 

We were driven to the airport by Tom. Wow. I've never been this high up in the bush. Usually we are only a few hundred feet above the ground. We're on a straight flight from Emo to anchorage so we're 27,000 feet in the air. Weird. All I can see is clouds. The sun looks gorgeous. 

So were now in Minneapolis (hi Alan!). We had a five hour flight here...a few movies and a few naps made the trip shorter. Goose and maverick are fine. They've made a mess of their kitty litter though... We have a four hour lay over so were taking it easy as were heading to concourse b. Plenty of time... I'm really good at wasting time in an airport:). 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been a...........While

Yeah yeah. I've been busy. So I had surgery in anchorage. I ended up staying for for about a month. I was there for a week with some students for a career camp. Then I came home for two days and then Jeremy and I went back for an appointment. The day after I had a colonoscopy. The day after that I had a Meckels Scan. Then the next week we tried to come home but there was too much fog in Bethel so they turned the plane around and we went back to anchorage. Then I had an appointment with the surgeon the next day. Then I had surgery a week later. Then I had to stay in the hospital for five days. Then I had a follow up appointment. Then I finally flew home. In the end, a month passed. Whew! I had Meckels Diverticulum. Hopefully I'm good now:)

We had Easter last week. We went to Jeremy's house and had ham and spaghetti. We had church and there were about 10 babies who were baptized. It was huge!

This weekend was potlatch again. Jeremy danced:). He hasn't danced in the village in a long time. I said instead of him teaching me about his culture, I'm dragging him back into his:). 

Next weekend is prom. We didn't get nearly the stuff I wanted to decorate with. But I'll make it work. Were spending a few days decorating and things will be great. 

Ps look at my little Godson:) (not really. Laura's baby boy. So cute.)

Pps we went and saw how the new school is doing...awesome is the answer. 
This is the gym:)
The new student store 
The hallway for the high school
My "kitchen" for my classroom
My cupboards
My smart board
My bathroom (yup shower)
My office for my classroom. I told the kids I'm going in there and locking them out to get away from them. :) 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Simple Things Made Harder in the Bush...

You know...things that are so simple that you take for granted everyday down in the lower 48, I wish we could have here in the bush.  I've been trying to get stuff ordered for prom for about a month...the companies won't take checks.  It's the only way we're allowed to pay for things.  Which is a pain first of all, but when the only way to order things is online, then many of them won't take checks... So I'm stuck running around (calling around) to different companies that we can order online and will take checks... It's infuriating.  Then, I've been trying to order speakers for...3 months...?  We finally have gotten through...but the company won't ship to a made up address, a PO box, or the middle of nowhere.  This is very annoying...I'm angry.  So I've been trying to get a million things ordered for the past many months, but nothing can happen because of stupid rules and stupid systems.  Urgh.

...and I've run out of movies and tv shows to watch...I think it's time to get dish...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's Been a While...

(Warning: none of the photos in this blog were taken randomly by an Eskimo...:))
OMG.  I haven’t updated in a while.  I know I’m in trouble.  But I have been busy.  And sick.  And I want to be home. 

I had Thanksgiving at three places.  I don’t know if I posted that.  I went to Stella’s, Mock’s, and the teacher Thanksgiving.  It was good.  I was full.  REALLY Full.

I don’t even remember what else has been going on.  It’s been Christmas Break.  I got off the 20th.  I got sick around the beginning of December.  I had two days of nothing but sleeping, then I had two days of open gym, then I had Christmas Eve and Christmas with my adopted Waska family (Stella’s family).  I went to Christmas Eve Midnight mass, then over to the Waska’s house to open presents.  I just wanted to be around the family and watch them have fun and eat some food.  No, I got two presents too.  I felt like I was so welcomed.  Laurie (Mama Waska) made me a Quspuk and gave me some gloves to keep me warm under my mittens she made me for my half birthday.

I was able to open presents with the Chomic family over FaceTime (that was painful) and then it was back over to the Waska’s for Christmas dinner.  I went home early because I was sick.

The next day started the inevitable Christmas Tournament.  We make a lot of money for the student council, but it’s a lot of work and I was really sick.  Did I mention that?  We would get there at noon, clean up, games would start at 1pm, and then we would close the store at 10pm.  It was a lot.  I did that Dec. 26-Dec 30.  I had another teacher take over for me for the last day because we were traveling to the ROSE BOWL!!!

I made it to California perfectly fine.  I slept on the plane and got into the hotel room around 2am.  We then woke up at around 6am to go to the Rose Parade.  We didn’t make it long at the parade.  We got there, walked around for a little bit, then went back to the shuttle and slept until it took us to the game.

We made it to the game about 45 minutes before it started, so the tailgating tickets we bought didn’t extend very far….we had a few drinks, some food, and went into the game.  In case you didn’t hear, WE WON!!!! GO GREEN!!!!!

We then spent the next day with Mom and Dad in Hollywood.  Then left LA on our way home.  We got to Anchorage, did the shopping we needed to, and got ready to leave the next morning.

When we got to the airport, all the flight people told us we weren’t going to make it back to EMO so we should change our flights.  We changed our flights to Monday.  Needless to say, I have bad luck.  The other people traveling on the same flights made it back to EMO…L We were able to go to the doctor’s and get medicine though. 

Monday morning, we were on our way back to EMO.  We landed in St. Mary’s and they put us on Standby for EMO.  There were two seats.  A native made it to the counter before us, and I gave my spot to our counselor.  I decided she was more important to make it home.  So, we spent the night in St. Mary’s.  We’re now delayed in the airport because the Anchorage flight was late coming in.  I hope we make it home… It was $169 for the night at the “Bed and Breakfast” (it was cereal in the cupboard).  Then, I called for a ride from the airport and the woman said it would be $40, one way.  It’s about a 7 minute drive… Nice hospitality.

We have made it back to the St. Mary’s airport.  I walked in right before a lot of my students were leaving for the boarding school.  I was so glad that I was able to give them their hugs bye bye.  I had a few surprises that were leaving.  One of my students said that he went up to school this morning to go to my class, but it was a waste because I wasn’t there.  I was really glad that I was able to see them before they left.  I am, however, really upset because the kids who should be taking me to State for NYO are the surprises I had leave to go to the boarding school.  That means I probably won’t be going to Anchorage for NYO…L  I yelled at them.