Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's So Warm!

So, I was going to write on Monday about how warm it was here.  Everything is melting.  It's even been raining (of course there is snow mixed in with it...).  Now, since it's so warm, it's snowing...and a lot.  I woke up and walked out the door today, thinking I was going to walk into less snow with lots of water and freezing, and it was about 1 foot of snow.  Really?  It's like I'm living in Michigan again.  It was so nice to hear the sound of rain on the roof again though.  It got up to like 23 degrees!!!

Now, at 7:40 at night, we've had about 1 1/2 feet of snow today.  Urgh.  Now it's about 3 degrees, but it's making a slushy snow...perfect for snowball fights! :)  They usually aren't able to make snowballs or snowmen, so it's been fun this week.

On a different note, our high school basketball teams are in Kotlik for the tournament for districts.  The girls lost their first overtime :(.  They play again tomorrow.  The boys won their first game by 3 points! :) The boys should be starting to play anytime now.  If they win this, they will definitely be going to states and will play for the championship of the district. The top two teams go.  Go boys!  1 more game!!!  They have been 2nd or 3rd all season, so we're really rooting for them!

I'm giving a GED test right now, so it's killing me having the VTC in the library RIGHT outside my classroom, where I can hear the kids and community listening and watching.  URGH!!!!  It's okay, 15 more minutes and I'll be watching!!! Yay!

UPDATE: The boys lost...:( But they were playing the #1 seed, so they tried hard.
Girls play at 1pm tomorrow, boys play at 2:30pm.  Go Huskies!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie, Happy Easter, Cutie!! We have a quiet one going on as we celebrated with all of our family on March 23. I'm glad because it gave me a chance today to read all of what has been going on with you.I bet having made the decision to return next year has taken a load off your mind. It sure sounds like things are very busy. The pictures of the Potlatch are incredible. Time will go quickly and soon you will be back "down under" :-) Hope you had a good Easter. Take care. see you soon. Aunt Marge
