Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NYO State in Anchorage

So, we went to Anchorage for States in NYO.  I took two of my students, C for 1 foot high kick and A for Alaskan high kick and 1 arm reach.  I HAD A BLAST.  I was a Coach/Chaperone/Driver/Bank/... The week started off with A and C and I leaving Emo an hour late (due to weather) and playing "spot the moose" in the 207 on the way to Bethel.  It took about 1 1/2 hours to get to Bethel from Emo in a 207.  Usually it takes half that time.  We got to Bethel and decided to go get food at the restaurant near by.  On our way, I stepped in a puddle, didn't see that there was a floating layer of ice on top of it...and fell on my butt.  Not only did I fall on the ice, but I fell in the 3 inches of muddy water.  And yes, I did just check my bag with my other clothes just minutes earlier.  Yay.  The kids thought that was an amazing start to the trip.  We then flew in a 737 to Anchorage.
Moose and Cabins for Camp

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb

We got to the hotel, checked in, and got started.  I had the bright idea of having a key to every one of the rooms without chaperones in them...I thought it was one of my better ideas.  So, every night I was up every 2 hours checking rooms.  However, I didn't need to.  They were all good.  I didn't have any incidents.  I was so worried about having girls and boys in a big city, in a hotel, and ones I hadn't met before.  They were awesome.  The biggest problems we had was them complaining that they were tired or that they didn't want to wait.  If that was the worst thing we had to deal with all week, then I think we could handle that!

We went to restaurants throughout the week.  We went to Chinese, Red Robin (Yum!), Chuck E Cheese, Taco Bell, McDonald's, and Food Courts at the malls.  We went to Walmart every night.  And we went to the mall I think 3 times.  Some of them went to a movie, but I wasn't able to.  I was the chaperone who went to the dance so they went to a movie during that if they didn't want to go to the dance.  It was nice to see the kids interact with all the other kids from different cities.

Thursday I woke up, watched the kids in the pool, and then went to get supplies to make a banner.  I was making the banner right up until they had opening ceremonies.  It was great to see all the 450ish athletes together on the floor together.
The girls playin in the pool

A and C racing.  C won with his gangly arms:)

We started competing on Thursday afternoon and A got 2nd in the state for Alaskan High Kick!!!!!!!!  This was right after he sprained his foot doing this event.  We then had to go to the hospital to get it checked out.  Thanks A.  We had a fun time at the hospital...we had eaten minimally all day, had a lack of sleep, and were exhausted.  We went from being nervous for Alaskan high kick, to excited we got second, to scared that he hurt his foot, to frustrated we were at the hospital, to giddy we were in a small area, to angry at each other for not being polite, to hyper for eating at the vending machine, to annoying to the PA, to YAY IT'S NOT BROKEN AND WE'RE GOING HOME TO BED!!!!
88" on Alaskan High Kick

Tied for 2nd place!!!

My 2nd Place medal and I at the hospital:) (he was off getting his X-rays - that's the only way I got it from him...)
Friday morning I went to the coach's meeting and learned a lot about the events.  We had A's 1 Arm Reach that day.  He got 6th place.  He got out and had to do a reach off for 4th or 5th place, but I didn't know that, so he wasn't warmed up.  It's okay, we'll get it next year.  We went to Chinese for lunch that day and Red Robin for dinner.

62" at 1 Arm Reach

Bloopsie (the other Female Chaperone/Coach) and me

A & C

Bloop and me
Saturday morning was another coach's meeting and C had 1 foot high kick.  I kept the height from him so it wasn't messing with his mind.  He made 104" easily (this is as high as I've ever seen him go).  They then moved them to the middle stand.  A judge came by and told him "Okay.  It's at 106" now, so that's where we're starting."  I was TICKED.  Why would you tell him?  Tell me, his coach.  I didn't want him to know.  So, he was very nervous about making that high of a height.  He got out there.  He got 4th place.  4TH IN THE STATE!!!  YAY!!! 
104" in 1 Foot High Kick

He just missed it...

4th PLACE!!!!

Overall, it was a great time and a great opportunity.  I keep getting texts from the athletes from other schools and pictures.  They wouldn't let me go when we hugged goodbye and they keep yelling at me that I need to come and teach at their schools.  I was told we did a great job by the athletic director and that they were all impressed.  I'm hoping I get to coach next year!  Thank you to everyone for the good luck's and the hopes.

Looking at pictures/videos from the week

My lovely Scammon Bay, Hooper Bay, and 1/2 Emmonak Kids

All the athletes

My medal kids and me


  1. We are so proud of you and your kids.

  2. We are really excited for you. The kids are very fortunate to have you. You're a natural for this. Love you tons. Mom
