Saturday, August 10, 2013

I'm Home

I have had so much fun in the short amount of time I've been home.  I was out on the river on Tuesday. We went to the Baloonawik (yes, I'm sure it's spelled wrong) which is basically a slew that leads to a meadow.  It was so beautiful.  Then we went around Emo, and out to the coastline.  Mock made me walk on the ocean. :)  Basically I walked on the mud that has a little water on it.  It was so pretty and awesome.
J sharpening the spear's point in case we see seals

The boat by the coast

The coast of the Bering Sea

We then went back home but stopped on the way to have a fire to dry off.  (it might have been raining basically the whole time we were out) So we took off our coats, rain gear, and sweatshirts and hung them on a line we made and started a fire.  Of course, the white girl didn't hang her coat right, it got caught in the wind, and it blew onto the fire.  It now has a lovely melted hole in the back and arm.  Mock wants me to throw it away.  I think it's an awesome keepsake :).
J and R throwing spears 

Then we kept on our way home and caught a duck, two beavers, and saw a lot of birds and 3 moose.  They were beautiful.  Mock really wants me to shoot a moose this year, but I don't see it happening.  I'm not really quick enough to get one...
My turn to throw a spear...I wasn't as good...but in my defense it was my first time.  They've been doing it since they were born.

I've been trying to unpack my house and classroom.  I haven't had a lot of motivation.  I've met all the new teachers - they all seem really nice and I'm looking forward to the year.

Yesterday I went to one of my students/athlete's birthday party.  He just got back to Emo yesterday (on his birthday) so his mom planned a big party to see him again.  He was away at camp for 24 days.  His family missed him a lot.  It was very nice of his mom to invite me.  She said that they haven't had a teacher to their house in about 15 years, so I felt very honored.  They treated me so well and kept making sure that I had plenty to eat and drink and that I had a seat.  I just wanted to go and celebrate - not be a big deal.  It was nice to see my student again and all his siblings and family.  He is going to Mt. Edgecombe this year (a family tradition - they all go when they reach high school) for high school.  I will definitely miss him a lot.  He is an awesome kid that has a lot of potential.
This is the student's whose birthday it was (on the right :) )

Eating dinner at his party with some of his friends and siblings

His mom, Darlene, and cousin

I haven't had internet until yesterday, so that's why I've been hidden.  I'll post again soon.  Tom just picked up all my meat :).

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