Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been a...........While

Yeah yeah. I've been busy. So I had surgery in anchorage. I ended up staying for for about a month. I was there for a week with some students for a career camp. Then I came home for two days and then Jeremy and I went back for an appointment. The day after I had a colonoscopy. The day after that I had a Meckels Scan. Then the next week we tried to come home but there was too much fog in Bethel so they turned the plane around and we went back to anchorage. Then I had an appointment with the surgeon the next day. Then I had surgery a week later. Then I had to stay in the hospital for five days. Then I had a follow up appointment. Then I finally flew home. In the end, a month passed. Whew! I had Meckels Diverticulum. Hopefully I'm good now:)

We had Easter last week. We went to Jeremy's house and had ham and spaghetti. We had church and there were about 10 babies who were baptized. It was huge!

This weekend was potlatch again. Jeremy danced:). He hasn't danced in the village in a long time. I said instead of him teaching me about his culture, I'm dragging him back into his:). 

Next weekend is prom. We didn't get nearly the stuff I wanted to decorate with. But I'll make it work. Were spending a few days decorating and things will be great. 

Ps look at my little Godson:) (not really. Laura's baby boy. So cute.)

Pps we went and saw how the new school is doing...awesome is the answer. 
This is the gym:)
The new student store 
The hallway for the high school
My "kitchen" for my classroom
My cupboards
My smart board
My bathroom (yup shower)
My office for my classroom. I told the kids I'm going in there and locking them out to get away from them. :)